Christ Lives - The Podcast

Christ Lives, The Podcast

Special performances by: Addie Daddio, Peter Mendoza, Sal López, Alexis Santiago, Andrés Londono, Maritxell Carrero, Camilo González, Gloria Laino, Cynthia Dane, Kerry Kazmierowicztrimm and Denise Blasor / Soprano: Juliette Blasor / Photography: Sonia Ruiz / Graphic design: Martha Naranjo / Ecclesial Advisor: Father Shawn Aaron / General Edition: Juan Andres Matos / Master's Original Music: Marcos Loya / Script, Production and Direction: Denise Blasor / Producer and Executive Director: Dr. René Heredia


Christ Lives

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Christ Lives - The Podcast

Christ Lives is the greatest love story ever told that recreates the life, teachings, miracles and parables of Jesus, and that gives us a message of faith, hope and charity.

Christ Lives - The Podcast
Christ Lives - The Podcast

In the Beginning

An angel announces the birth of John the Baptist to an elderly priest named Zacharias. That same angel appears to a young woman named Mary.


Christ Lives - The Podcast

The beatitudes

Jesus goes through all the cities and villages healing, preaching and announcing the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. He is accompanied by the twelve apostles, and some women who serve him from their possessions.


Christ Lives - The Podcast


The chief priests and the Pharisees meet in council. They are afraid: Jesus performs many miracles and they know that everyone believes him. They fear that the Romans will destroy their nation and plot how to get rid of him.


Christ Lives - The Podcast

The Judgment

The chief priests, the elders and the whole council seek false testimony against Jesus in order to put him to death, but they do not find any. Many false witnesses come forward and others betray him.


Christ Lives - The Podcast

The passion of Christ

The exhausted body of Jesus already staggers under the huge cross. A sharp pain penetrates his soul. A pious young woman, moved by compassion and moved to see his face full of blood, dirt and saliva, courageously approaches Him.


Christ Lives - The Podcast

The Side of Jesus

The guards lower Jesus from the cross and Mary takes his body: embracing him, she kisses her son for the last time... The women wrap Jesus in cloth with aromatic spices, as is customary. On the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene returns to the tomb.


Christ Lives, The Meditation consists of six reflections that accompany the Christ Lives podcast. Each one of them delves, from the prayer, into the teachings, miracles, parables and key messages of the narration; so that the Holy Spirit is doing His work of conversion and sanctification in us.

Christ Lives - The Podcast

God's criteria for us

The first meditation presents us with an introduction to understanding God's Criteria for us.


Christ Lives - The Podcast

Trust the Lord

The second meditation explains the need of the human person’s search for happiness and the fulness of life.


Christ Lives - The Podcast

God's Mercy

God’s plan is a plan of helping us to grow in faith, hope and love. In this meditation we learn how the Master, the Lord becomes the servant and how we need to accept God’s love.


Christ Lives - The Podcast

God's Faithfulness

God is always with us wherever we go. Understanding God’s exchange with us is fundamental to realize that it is us that choose to be apart from God.


Christ Lives - The Podcast

God's unconditional love

The greatest battle ever fought in human history happened in Getsemani. In this meditation we understand how Jesus took into himself every sin ever committed by human kind.


Christ Lives - The Podcast

God's Humility

In this meditation we understand why God the father is only capable of looking at us through the wounds of his son.



Addie Daddio

Addie Daddio

Peter Mendoza

Peter Mendoza

Efrain Figueroa

Efrain Figueroa

Sal Lopez

Sal Lopez

Alexis Santiago

Alexis Santiago

Maritxell Carrero

Maritxell Carrero

Camilo Gonzalez

Camilo Gonzalez

Gloria Laino

Gloria Laino

Cynthia Dane

Cynthia Dane

Andres Londono

Andres Londono

Kerry Kaz

Kerry Kaz

Juliette Blasor

Juliette Blasor

Juan Carlos Arvelo

Juan Carlos Arvelo

Denise Blasor

Denise Blasor


Marcos Loya

Marcos Loya
Original Music

Gerardo Nevarez

Gerardo Nevarez
Audio Recording and Editing

Juan Andres Matos

Juan Andres Matos
General Edition

Sonia Ruiz

Sonia Ruiz

Martha Naranjo

Martha Naranjo
Graphic Design

Father Shawn Aaron

Father Shawn Aaron
Ecclesial Advisor

Denise Blasor

Denise Blasor
Script, Production and Direction

Dr. René Heredia

Dr. René Heredia
Executive Producer and Director


  • Christ Lives - The PodcastBackstage

  • Christ Lives - The PodcastBackstage


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Christ Lives - The Podcast



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